How Myasthenia Gravis Ruined My Wardrobe But Made Me a Style Icon!
My unexpected companion, Myasthenia Gravis (MG), has taken over my world and transformed more than just my health; it’s shaken up my sense of style! Yep, battling this disease has made me rethink my fashion game, and I’m living proof.
Back in my university days in Algeria, I was the queen of campus life, walking endlessly and ignoring my condition as usual. Those days of relentless fatigue were the backdrop to my wild and adventurous escapades. While others were puzzled by my tiredness, I was daring to live life on the edge.
The twist came with my elusive diagnosis, which flipped my world. From being a campus nomad, I transitioned to being a couch connoisseur, resulting in a massive weight gain of 23 kilograms (that’s over 50 pounds!) My secret? Well, it wasn’t so much a secret as it was MG’s not-so-little gift.
And surprise, surprise! Turns out extra weight was a ticket to tendinitis city. My happy-go-lucky days of walking were replaced with painful steps and unwelcome surprises like fibromyalgia. Medications and physiotherapy? Tried those, but my stubborn body wasn’t in the mood to cooperate.
So, what’s a girl to do? Embrace the world of anti-inflammatory diets! I slashed gluten, sugar, and dairy from my life, and voilà! I achieved my cherished body weight. But a wild MG flare-up tossed me back into my old patterns. Needless to say, my wardrobe struggled to keep up with these wild shifts.
The new fashion trend? Orthopedic shoes! My transformation from a stylish teenager to what felt like a fashion-challenged adult was drastic. Accepting my transformed body was one thing, but accepting that MG reshaped my career and my lifestyle was entirely another.
Revamping my appearance became my mission. Reintroducing jewelry, hunting down clothes that complemented my curves, and balancing my eating habits were top priorities. After all, I deserve a break and some joy amidst the storm.
Sharing my journey isn’t just cathartic; it's my motivation to reclaim both my health and my style. Connecting over shared insecurities might just be the push I need to rock shopping sprees and self-care again—because why not?